Senior Software Engineer

Have 12+ years of experience in development of a range or complex projects using .Net for most of them.

The short list of project types I worked with:

  • Highload server solution for Social and Mobile games
  • Custom Game distribution platform based on Chromium (CEF)
  • Payment system module for e-Commerce applications
  • Automated CDs production line
  • Enterprise application covering all the aspects of insurance area
  • Mobile push notifications delivery system
  • Solution for domain registration

Passionate about solving complex problems, some of which were considered unsolvable before I faced them. Self motivated to constant self improving.

Main areas of interest:

  • Design of complex distributed systems (Autoscaling, sharding, eventual consistency, etc)
  • Highload
  • Performance optimization
  • Algorithms and datastructures
  • Concurrency (Building parallel and lock strategies, lockfree ...)
  • Microservice architecture
  • Cloud computing (AWS)

Programming languages: C#, C++, JS

Technologies: Asp .Net, MS SQL, MySql, ADO.Net, WinForms, DevExpess, WCF, NHibernate, .Net Core, TPL, CEF (Chromium embedded framework), EF Core, Docker, Terraform, AWS, Android, Redis, RabbitMQ, SendGrid, XML, AJAX, JQuery, Angular, React

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